Monday, 19 October 2009


This is a basic commentary on what our storyboards show:

James walks into a room where the band are projected onto this t-shirt. The camera zooms into the porjection and turns to band footage. This is followed by pop up city which focuses on an umbrella, that cuts to real life (james spinning an umbrella). The camera tracks james' movement along where he hands a girl the umbrella.

Moths beginning to follow james behind him and in between a silhouette of the singer sings along to the song (a few lines at a time, in beat with the music). We have C/U, W/S, and profile shots of James. At the instrumental 2mins 48secs in, James looks up and the camera tilts upwards too, panning across the sky where we will add in moths circling above. It then tilts back down to James where the whole video reverses.

The camera zooms out of the t-shirt to reveal James back in the room where he started, going full circle.

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